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Cribal 09-08-2006 06:48 AM

Name- Crystal

Age- 24

Marital Status- Married - This sunday (10th.) it will be 1 year (one really long year...LOL)

Kids- Not Yet

Pets- Lucy Too the yorkie, Tank the Miniature Schnauzer and Annabelle the Great Dane

Occupation- I run a really boring office at an electrical company

Fav Food- ......... I eat everything, I guess if I had to choose it would be crab legs or sushi

Fav Restaurant- Don't have one

Fav Vacation Spot- Jamaica

Something interesting about you- I have a couple goals that I will achieve b/4 I die. Sky diving, bunjee jumping off the new river bridge (even though it's not allowed anymore) and I want to go scuba diving and feed sharks. No the wimpy way with a cage and stuff, I wanna be face to face with nothing inbetween.

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? I would plan to be able to do something for my husband and I's first anniversary. We're broke so I think a kiss on the cheek is all I'm gonna get....LOL

Leslie 09-09-2006 11:27 AM

Name- Leslie (baileysmom31 on YT)

Age- 46

Marital Status- Married - 22 years on October 5th

Kids- Twin Boys - 13 years old

Pets- 2 cats- BooBoo and Emi and 2 Yorkies- Bailey and Tia

Occupation- Executive Director of a shelter for women and children who have experienced domestic violence

Fav Food- Pizza

Fav Restaurant- Montanna's

Fav Vacation Spot- Grenada

Something interesting about you- I live in a very isolated community in Northern Manitoba where the tempetures can get down to 40 below zero

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? I'd say thank you :D and then I would invest it

khardy57 09-10-2006 01:48 PM

Name: Kim
Marital Status: Widow (will be 1 year in October and I miss him every day!)
Age: 49
Kids: 2 sons - 30 & 27
Pets: 1 yorkie and 1 fighting fish
Occupation: Loan assistant
Fav Food: Steak
Fav Restaurant: Local catfish house called Riverbend
Fav Vacation Spot: Savannah, Ga.

Something interesting about you - I don't know that I'm really that interesting. My sons and my late husband said that the Roseanne show was about me!

If someone gave me $1000 right now, I'd buy another yorkie!

Marilyn 09-10-2006 05:03 PM

Name- Marilyn
Age- 52
Marital Status- Very Happily Married :)
Kids- 2 daughters, ages 21 & 19 :) :)
Pets- 1 that's all mine, Zoe a 1 year old Yorkie. We as a family also have an 8 year old yorkie, Chase, and a 14 year old rescued dog Goldie a spitz mix.
Occupation- mechanical engineer, working as a sales manager & outside sales for an industrial supply company.
Fav Food- There are so many - shrimp, chocolate, ice cream, cheese cake, potato chips, peanut butter (if I didn't watchout, I'd be really heavy)
Fav Restaurant- Barkett's in Seadrift, TX - the best shrimp ever
Fav Vacation Spot- Hard to decide - NY,NY ; Colorado; Florida; Hawaii (love to travel!!!!!!:cool: )
Something interesting about you- I ride a Harley a Fatboy with red flame paint job.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? - That's not enough to do much......put it in my daughter's college fund.

Marilyn 09-10-2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Marilyn
Name- Marilyn
Age- 52
Marital Status- Very Happily Married :) 32 Years.
Kids- 2 daughters, ages 21 & 19 :) :)
Pets- 1 that's all mine, Zoe a 1 year old Yorkie. We as a family also have an 8 year old yorkie, Chase, and a 14 year old rescued dog Goldie a spitz mix.
Occupation- mechanical engineer, working as a sales manager & outside sales for an industrial supply company.
Fav Food- There are so many - shrimp, chocolate, ice cream, cheese cake, potato chips, peanut butter (if I didn't watchout, I'd be really heavy)
Fav Restaurant- Barkett's in Seadrift, TX - the best shrimp ever
Fav Vacation Spot- Hard to decide - NY,NY ; Colorado; Florida; Hawaii (love to travel!!!!!!:cool: )
Something interesting about you- I ride a Harley a Fatboy with red flame paint job.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? - That's not enough to do much......put it in my daughter's college fund.

Just adding, married 32 years ;)

KellyV 09-11-2006 08:10 AM

Name- Kelly
Age- Early 20s
Marital Status- Married
Kids- None
Pets- Two Cats (Twiggs & Baby), Two Yorkies (Pixie & Charlie)
Occupation- Insurance Broker
Fav Food- Sushi
Fav Restaurant- Fujiyama (Sushi Restaurant in Milwaukee)
Fav Vacation Spot- Had a Ton of Fun in Vegas!
Something interesting about you- Ummmmm... I don't know. I don't think I'm all that "interesting"!
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Put it towards the credit cards!

Tink 09-14-2006 11:56 AM

Name- Brenda
Age- 51
Marital Status- married (21 yrs)
Kids- 3 and finally all grown!
Pets- currently petless which is unusual for me
Occupation- medicare claims processor
Fav Food- Beef stir-fry or raspberries PLEASE don't make me choose!
Fav Restaurant- Applebees
Fav Vacation Spot- Vacation? does not compute
Something interesting about you- I am trying desperately to get a job that I am totally overqualified for so that I'm not having to strain my brain full time. :D
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Buy a newer, bigger computer.

Jlynn 09-14-2006 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Meg
I thought it'd be fun for everyone to post a little about them on the same thread, so we can all get to know each other a bit, here is a small getting to know you quiz-

Marital Status- Celebrated our 20th this summer
Kids- 0
Pets- 2 dogs, 1 cat, multiple gold fish in backyard pond :)
Occupation- full time student, after selling my business of 12 years. Like the freedom of taking care of just me. No staff, no clients (at the moment)
Fav Food- mexican
Fav Restaurant-
Fav Vacation Spot- Arizona, love Sedona and Grand Canyon
Something interesting about you- diet coke addict
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?

If I couldn't use it to pay bills, use for a weekend away!

magnolia 09-27-2006 05:24 AM

Bumping this to the front - we have some new members since this first was placed on here and thought, if nothing else, they might want to read about those of us who filled this out - but we sure hope they take the time to let us know about them:)

Janet 09-27-2006 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by magnolia
Bumping this to the front - we have some new members since this first was placed on here and thought, if nothing else, they might want to read about those of us who filled this out - but we sure hope they take the time to let us know about them:)

Great idea, let's really try, everyone, to keep this up top. I just read through them again and it's so interesting to learn more about everyone.:)

May5 09-27-2006 06:36 AM

Ok, well I'm new....here's some stuff about me :)

Name- Maydi ( I know it's wierd....it's pronounced like "Heidi" but w/an "m"...)
Age- 22
Marital Status- married for 1 year and 6 months
Kids- none yet
Pets- 1 yorkie - Schatzi, 2 Betas - Tito and Benito, and 2 doves - Stanley and Phillip
Occupation- I'm in my senior year of college, getting my B.S. in Communication Disorders...I'm going crazy applying to all grad schools to start my M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology next year.
Fav Food- Thai food!
Fav Restaurant- Red Chili's and Milanos
Fav Vacation Spot- Cancun
Something interesting about you- I love music more than anything....I've been playing piano since I was 3, and I also play 5 more instruments and I sing.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? get another yorkie - Schatzi wants a baby sister :)

Janet 09-27-2006 06:39 AM

:wavey: Hi and welcome!! So glad you could join us. Please make sure you join in and not feel shy. Everyone is welcome and I'm so glad you found this site..enjoy!! :)

2tiredmom 09-27-2006 05:38 PM

Marital Status- 17 years
Kids- 3, Daughter 22, Son 19, Daughter 15
Pets- 1 outside cat, 4 chickens
Occupation- County Government
Fav Food- Steak
Fav Restaurant- My Kitchen
Fav Vacation Spot- Florida Gulf Coast Beaches
Something interesting about you- Deer Hunting, Fishing, Crocheting,Collecting Barn stuff and cooking
What would you do if I gave you $1000. Go Shopping for my kids:eek:

DianaB 09-29-2006 11:13 AM



Marital Status-Married for 32 years!!

Kids-4 kids--1 son and 3 daughters (2 married) 5 grandchildren

Pets- Reuger (Yorkshire Terrier) Mollee (Airdale)

Occupation-Homemaker (Husband is a farmer and I help by driving the combine and tractor)

Fav Food-Fried Chicken and Mashed Potatoes!!!

Fav Restaurant-Red Lobster and Big Ed's

Fav Vacation Spot-At the beach

Something interesting about you-I collect antique children's dishes and cupboards. I am a spirit-filled chrisian.

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?Probably buy a new stove or refrigerator, but what I'd really like to is shop on e-Bay with it!!!

jane 09-29-2006 05:38 PM

Name- Susie (jane is a nickname)


Marital Status- dating

Kids-not yet :)

Pets- Ringo (Doberman Pincher), Misty (Mini Pincher), Cisquo and Molly (African Grey Parrots), Big Al (he's a cat)

Occupation- Undergrad Student

Fav Food- chicken, turkey

Fav Restaurant- White Castles :)

Fav Vacation Spot- I like going on cruises

Something interesting about you- i'm studying to be a high school spanish teacher

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? pay off my ex...i borrowed some money to study abroad with...i need to pay it back =/

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